Vol. 10 No. 01 (2025): Volume 10 Nomor 1, Maret 2025.

Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar was initiated and established for the first time on May 27, 2012. However there was a change in the nomenclature and the different personnel composition to be proposed and reactivated under the new name, Basic Education, previously named Pedagogy journals. The purpose of the establishment of the journal is to provide a publication container for the author to pour ideas and studies equipped with the results of research in primary schools. The basic education journals changed management personnel several times. This is due to various obstacles that can not be solved, one of which is the busyness of the team managing the journal. However, this journal has been published in printed form of 3 volumes and 6 numbers. The emergence of changes in the paradigm of scientific periodical publication issues contained in the Accreditation Policy by the Directorate of Intellectual Property Management, Kemenristek Dikti, and based on the Regulation of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 1 of 2014 on Guidelines for Accreditation of Scientific Issues that apply electronic accreditation based system using Journal Accreditation application National (Arjuna), then the governance of basic education journals developed into an electronic-based periodical publishing. This is motivated by the government's desire that the published journals in Indonesia be indexed by high reputable indexing agencies, so for the year now there is a policy that for offline journal it is an option whereas for the online journal it is mandatory, Even there is a discourse that the offline version of the journal will be eliminated. Because of the various considerations and demands of the development of the era based on ICT (Information Communication and Technology), the basic education journals developed based OJS (Open Journal System).