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The aim of the research is to know the comparison of students Mathematic understanding
between the students who have been treated by using Problem Based Learning Method and
Direct Instruction Method, students attitude on learning process as well. The resea
rch design
was static Group Pre test
Post Test Design. The population was the IX grade students of
Margahayu Yunior High School

Bandung Regency. The sample were the students of IX B
and IX C. Each class consisted of 30 students. In this research, experim
ental group has been
treated by using Problem Based Learning Method and control group has been treated by using
Direct Instruction. The test instrument used was the ability of mathematic understanding test
and attitude scale. Based on the data analysis, th
e result is no significant diversification of
students mathematic understanding between the students who have been treated by using
Problem Based Learning Method and Direct Instruction. Whereas the students attitude, there
was positive attitude when they
were treated by using Problem Based Learning Method


he Ability of mathematic understanding, Problem Based Learning, Direct Instruction

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How to Cite
., M. (2020). Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Melalui Problem Based Learning (PBL) Dan Direct Instruction (DI). Pasundan Journal of Mathematics Education : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 5(1).


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