Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)

Alhamdulillah. Praise God. The publication of JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) Vol. 23 No. 2 has run smoothly. In this volume there are changes from previous volumes, namely changes in the quantity of published articles and changes in the appearance of the website. Jurnal LITIGASI (e-Journal) previously consistently published 6 quality articles in each issue. However, starting from this volume the quantity of articles will increase. In volume 23 No. 2, the journal published 8 quality articles. In addition, the appearance of this website has also changed to be more modern, interactive, and more informative for writers and readers. We hope that authors and readers can access all their needs easily. Thus the information on changes that can be conveyed.Thank you.Sincerely, Editor-in-Chief.Rd. Dewi Asri Yustia
Published: 2022-10-31
