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Peer Review Process
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) uses double-blind review system and Open Journal System in all processes.
First, authors submit independently on the website
Second, the manuscript will be reviewed by editorial members (field of specialization) to meet the journal guidelines & standard. If it doesn’t, the manuscript will be returned to the author to revise it. If it has (double-blind) been revised and sent back to editorial, the manuscript will be sent to anonymous peer reviewers by the editorial team. Peer reviewer comments are sent to the author for necessary action and response. After being corrected by the author, it will be checked again for completeness of systematics and writing and will be checked by Turnitin. If everything is in order, it will be set to publish in the near future volume.
The editor will perform a plagiarism check using Turnitin for the manuscript that has been updated by the author. If the manuscript has more than 20% similarity, the editor will send the article back to the author to revise the sentences affected by similarity. Manuscripts that will be published in JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) must use Mendeley as a Reference Tool.