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About the Journal
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) (e-ISSN: 2442-2274; is a periodical peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Faculty of Law, Universitas Pasundan, With the frequency of issuance twice a year, ie in April and October which inclusively publishes all papers in the Indonesian & English language. JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) contains original and scientific article article and has novelty value in the form, Research Result, Article Release, Articles Reviews and Articles of Book Review in accordance with the systematics of writing the category of each article that has been determined by the editor. This journal has been approved by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which indicates that it has fulfilled the open-access requirements of the peer-reviewed journal. JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) collaborates with various Professional Organizations and Scientific Organizations and Journal Management Organizations to improve the quality of future publications. Partnership in terms of review and writing with Asosiasi Filsafat Hukum Indonesia (AFHI) (view) and as a member of Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Hukum Indonesia (APJHI) (view).
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) has been indexed by: