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Author Guidelines
Jurnal LITIGASI (e-Journal) (e-ISSN: 2442-2274; is a periodical peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Faculty of Law, Universitas Pasundan, With the frequency of issuance twice a year, ie in April and October. Jurnal LITIGASI (e-Journal) contains a very specific meaning (super specialist), which is the process of settling the law through the legal court. Jurnal LITIGASI (e-Journal) is an electronic National Journal, which has a vision in the development of legal science, as well as the harmonization of positive law in Indonesia with the reality of what happened in the community.
Jurnal LITIGASI (e-Journal) Journal Editor contains original and scientific work articles and has novelty value in the form, Research Results and Conceptual Idea in accordance with the systematic writing category of each article that has been determined by the editor.
Manuscript Template of Jurnal LITIGASI can be downloaded here (English) - (Indonesian).
This Manuscript Template in-use per Vol. 26 No. 1 (2025).
Copyrights Transfer Agreement of Jurnal LITIGASI can be downloaded here.
General Instructions
Articles submitted to Jurnal LITIGASI must contains 6,000 to 10,000 words counting from Introduction to Conclusions including tables and attachments. The manuscript should be prepared using A4 paper size, with 1.5 line spacing, and written in Palatino Linotype, 12 pt font. Each page of the manuscript, including those with tables, figures, and references, should be numbered sequentially.
Authors must provide complete biodata, including:
- Full name (without academic titles).
- Institutional affiliation, including the department and full address.
- Institutional email address.
Submissions should be made via the journal's online portal at Jurnal LITIGASI Submission. Authors must register as an Author to submit their manuscripts. If authors encounter technical issues, they may contact the Editorial Office at
Title, Author Name(s), and Affiliation
The title of the manuscript must be clear, concise, and informative, consisting of 8 to 15 words. It should be written entirely in capital letters and formatted in 17 pt bold font. Abbreviations and local references should be avoided to ensure clarity and broader relevance. Below the title, the names of the authors should be listed without academic titles, using 12 pt bold font. These should be followed by the authors’ institutional affiliations, written in 10-point regular font, and their respective email addresses.
Structure and Content of the Manuscript
The abstract should be presented in both Indonesian and English for manuscripts written in Indonesian. For manuscripts written in English, the abstract only needs to be provided in English. Each abstract should be concise, with a length of 150 to 250 words, summarizing the background, objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions of the study. The language used must be clear and straightforward to ensure accessibility for a broad audience. Avoid including references, unexplained abbreviations, or excessive methodological details.
Directly below the abstract, include 3 to 5 keywords that represent the main themes of the article. These keywords should be arranged alphabetically and separated by commas to aid in indexing and improve the discoverability of the article.
The Introduction serves as the foundation of the manuscript, setting the stage for the research by providing essential context and a clear understanding of its significance.
- It should begin with a Background that outlines the broader area of study, emphasizing why the topic is important and relevant in the current academic, professional, or societal context. This section should also discuss key developments or challenges in the field that necessitate further investigation, supported by recent and relevant literature.
- Problem Statement follows, clearly defining the research problem or identifying gaps in existing studies that the current research aims to address. This section should articulate the central question or issue driving the research, highlighting why it matters and how it fits within the broader academic discourse. The problem statement should not merely reiterate existing knowledge but instead draw attention to specific limitations, unresolved issues, or areas where new insights are needed.
- Objectives of the research should be explicitly stated, outlining the specific aims and the expected contributions of the study. These objectives should align with the problem statement and provide a clear sense of direction for the research, indicating both academic and practical implications.
- Novelty of the research must be emphasized. This involves clearly explaining the unique contribution of the study compared to existing literature. Novelty may arise from new methodologies, theoretical perspectives, datasets, or findings that offer fresh insights or practical applications. Highlighting this aspect helps to distinguish the research from previous studies and underscores its value to the academic community and beyond.
The Introduction should engage the reader, establish the significance of the research, and provide a logical framework that connects the study’s background, problem, objectives, and innovation seamlessly.
Research Methods
The Research Methods section in legal research should clearly outline the approach and techniques used to analyze the legal issues. For normative legal research, describe how primary legal materials (laws, court decisions) and secondary sources (legal commentaries, journals) were selected and analyzed, using methods like statutory interpretation or case law analysis. For empirical legal research, explain data collection methods such as interviews, surveys, or field studies, and detail the analytical techniques, whether qualitative (e.g., thematic analysis) or quantitative (e.g., statistical analysis).
If the study uses a specific approach, such as a statutory, case, or comparative analysis, this should be highlighted. Conceptual legal research may instead focus on the analytical framework, detailing how theories or doctrines are examined and applied to support the argument.
This section should be concise yet comprehensive, ensuring transparency and rigor, allowing readers to understand the methods used to address the research problem and achieve the study’s objectives.
Results and Analysis
The Results and Analysis section is where the findings of the legal research are presented and critically examined. For normative legal studies, this involves explaining the results of the analysis of legal materials such as statutes, case law, or doctrines. The findings should be supported by a systematic examination of the sources, demonstrating how the research addresses the questions or hypotheses outlined in the introduction.
For empirical legal research, the results should detail the outcomes of the data collection process, whether qualitative or quantitative. This might include themes emerging from interviews, patterns observed in survey responses, or insights from case studies. All findings should be clearly presented and supported by evidence.
This section should also provide a critical analysis of the findings. Explain observed trends or patterns and their implications, compare the results with previous studies to highlight similarities or differences, and discuss how the findings address the research questions or hypotheses. Any inconsistencies or unexpected outcomes should be acknowledged and explained, contributing to a deeper understanding of the legal issue.
The analysis should be thorough and coherent, connecting the findings to the broader legal context and demonstrating their significance. By integrating data with analysis, this section not only answers the research questions but also establishes the study’s contribution to legal scholarship.
The Conclusions section provides a concise summary of the main findings of the research and their broader implications. This section should directly address the research questions or hypotheses posed in the introduction, highlighting the most significant insights gained from the study.
In legal research, the conclusions may synthesize key results from the analysis of legal texts, doctrines, or empirical data, demonstrating how they contribute to understanding or resolving the research problem. The conclusions should emphasize the relevance and importance of the findings in advancing legal knowledge, policy recommendations, or practical applications.
Avoid restating all the results in detail; instead, focus on the overarching points and their implications. If the study identifies gaps or limitations, this section can also briefly suggest areas for further research or practical steps that could be taken to improve or address the issues uncovered. The conclusions should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the study's contribution to the field and its potential impact.
Citations and References
The Citations and References section is a critical part of the manuscript, ensuring proper acknowledgment of sources and adherence to academic integrity. All references cited within the text must strictly follow the APA Style 7th Edition format, providing consistency and clarity. Authors should use reference management tools such as Mendeley or Zotero to streamline the citation process and minimize errors.
In-text citations should be incorporated seamlessly into the manuscript. Single authors are cited as (Author, Year), two authors as (Author & Author, Year), and three or more authors as (Author et al., Year). Direct quotations must include page numbers, for example: (Author, Year, p. X). Ensure every citation in the text has a corresponding entry in the reference list, and vice versa.
The reference list should be comprehensive and formatted in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names. Include at least 25 references for research articles, focusing on recent and relevant works published within the last seven years, preferably with active DOI numbers. Sources can include journal articles, books, and online resources, but ensure that legal documents, statutes, or regulations are cited appropriately in footnotes and excluded from the bibliography.
Proper citation practices enhance the credibility of the manuscript and provide readers with the necessary details to locate and evaluate the referenced materials.
Submitting Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format using the official article template provided by Jurnal LITIGASI. Submissions should be made through the Online Submission System.
Authors should download and review the Guidelines for Writing Manuscripts, the Manuscript Template, and submission instructions, available on the journal’s portal. Adherence to these resources ensures compliance with formatting, structure, and referencing standards.
For any technical issues or questions, contact the editorial team at Properly formatted manuscripts expedite the review process and enhance submission efficiency.
Manuscript Review
Every submitted manuscript is independently reviewed by at least one Reviewer to ensure its quality, relevance, and compliance with the journal’s standards. The decision to publish, revise, or reject a manuscript is based on the Reviewer’s evaluation and recommendations.
If a Reviewer determines that the manuscript is unsuitable for publication in Jurnal LITIGASI, the article will not proceed further in the review process. A clear statement will accompany the decision, explaining the reasons for rejection. Similarly, manuscripts that fail to meet the Jurnal LITIGASI writing guidelines will not be processed. Authors will receive an explanation detailing the basis for the decision to ensure transparency and understanding.
This rigorous review process ensures that all published articles maintain the high standards expected by the journal and its readership.
Script Improvements
Manuscripts returned to authors for revision must be promptly revised and resubmitted to the editor without unnecessary delays. Authors are required to upload the revised version through the Online Submission System for further processing.
If the revised manuscript is not resubmitted within one month, it will be treated as a new submission and will undergo the review process from the beginning. To avoid delays, authors are encouraged to address the reviewers' and editors' comments thoroughly and within the specified timeframe.
Correspondence Address of Jurnal LITIGASI Editorial Office
Editorial Office of Jurnal LITIGASI
Faculty of Law, Universitas Pasundan Bandung
Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 68, Bandung - 40261