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Themainpurpose  of  this  resaerch  was  to  conduct  a  study  focusing  on  the  use  SSCS  model  is  assumed capable  to  increase  students  mathematical  creative  thinking  abilityand see  the  impact  on  mathematical disposition,  based  on  student  of  all  and  Prior  Mathematical  Ability  (PMA)  students  (high  and  low). The method of this research is a mixed methods type of Embedded Design. The population of thisresearch is X graders of SMA Pasundan 3 Bandung, and the samples are the students in  X-1 as the experimental group and  student  in  X-2  as  the  control  group.  Thisresearch  used  two  kinds  of  instruments:  PMA  test, mathematical creative thinking ability test, mathematical disposition scale, observation sheet and interview. This research used Independent Sample t-Test and Two-Way ANOVA. Conclusion of this research are: 1) based  on  students  of  all, the  enhancement  mathematical  creative  thinking  ability  of  students  who  were given  SSCS  model  are  better  than  students  who  were  given  expository  learning.  When  based  on  PMA category ,  increase  mathematical creative thinking ability of students high and  low who were given  SSCS model  are  better  than  students  who  were  given  expository  learning;  2) based  on  students  of  all, the enhancement  mathematical  disposition  of  students  who  were  given  SSCS  model  are  better  than  students who were given expository learning. When based on PMA category , increase mathematical disposition of students  high  and  low  who  were  given  SSCS  model  are  better  than  students  who  were  given  expository learning;  3)  Mathematical  disposition  to  support  the  successof  learning  mathematics,  in  this  case  the mathematical creative thinking ability.. Students who have high disposition to be more persistent, persevere and interested to explore new things. This Allows students to have more knowledge than the students who did  not  show  such  behavior.  Knowledge  is  what  causes  students  to  have  Certain  abilities.  4)  There  is  a positive impact on the mathematical creative thinking ability of student to mathematical disposition


SSCS models, Mathematical creative thinki ng ability and mathematical disposition

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How to Cite
Ningsih, E. F. (2020). Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Search, Solve, Create And Share (Sscs) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Disposisi Matematis Siswa SMA. Pasundan Journal of Mathematics Education : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 5(1).


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