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As we know that there are five indicators for mathematical communication. For this article, work sheet that writer explore just the capability conjecture, and generalatation of students. In reality, all of indicator of mathematical communication can be explored using geogebra because the characteristic of geogebra that can be representated all of indicators of mathematical communication.
Article Details
- Elliot, Portia. 1996. Communication in Mathematics K-12 and Beyond. NCTM
- Haciomeroglu, S.E., Bu, Lingguo., Schoen, R.C., dan Hohenwarter, M. (2009). Learning to Develop Mathematics Lessons with GeoGebra. MSOR Connections Vol 9 No 2 May – July 2009. [Online]. Tersedia: http:// #hl=id&q= Learning+to+Develop+ Mathematics+ Lessons+with+GeoGebra&meta= &aq= f&oq= Learning+to+ Develop+ Mathematics+Lessons+with+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
- Hohenwarter, M., & Fuchs, K. (2005). Combination of Dynamic Geometry, Algebra and Calculus in the Software System GeoGebra. In: Computer Algebra Systems and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Teaching Conference 2004. Pecs, Hungary. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q= Combination+ of+dynamic+ geometry%2C+algebra+and+++calculus+in+the+software+system+GeoGebra&meta=&aq=f&oq=Combination+of+dynamic+geometry%2C+algebra+and+++calculus+in+the+software+system+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
- Ismail, M.A. (2009). GeoGebra in Egypt. MSOR Connections Vol 9 No 2 May – July 2009. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q =Learning+to+Develop+ Mathematics+Lessons+ with+GeoGebra&meta= &aq=f&oq=Learning+to+Develop+Mathematics+Lessons+with+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
- Kyeong-Sik Choi. (2009). A Brief Introduction of Mathematics Education Using GeoGebra in Korea. [Online}. Tersedia: url?url=http:// ggbconference2009. BIntroduction%2Bof%2BMathematics%2BEducation%2BUsing%2BGeoGebra(97).ppt&rct=j&ei=ArRGS8n2Dc6GkAW5xr35Ag&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=1&ct=result&ved=0CAcQhgIwAA&q=ABriefIntroductionofMathematics+EducationUsingGeoGebra+in+Korea&usg=AFQjCNHOUdh5V5XVhK9DWQUpQisEIu3cpg
- Priatna, N. (2003). Teknik Probing dalam Pembelajaran matematika untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Siswa SLTP. Proceeding National Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education, The Role of ICT in Supporting the Implementation of Competebsy-Based Curriculum. Bandung: Jica
- Rohaeti, E, E (2003). Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunkaan metode IMPROVE untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama. Tesis pada PPs UPI. Bandung
- Sangwin, C. (2007). A brief review of GeoGebra: dynamic mathematics. University of Birmingham. MSOR Connections Vol 7 No 2 May – July 2007. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q=A+ brief+ review+of+GeoGebra%3A+dynamic+mathematics&meta=&aq=&oq=A+brief+review+of+GeoGebra%3A+dynamic+mathematics&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
Elliot, Portia. 1996. Communication in Mathematics K-12 and Beyond. NCTM
Haciomeroglu, S.E., Bu, Lingguo., Schoen, R.C., dan Hohenwarter, M. (2009). Learning to Develop Mathematics Lessons with GeoGebra. MSOR Connections Vol 9 No 2 May – July 2009. [Online]. Tersedia: http:// #hl=id&q= Learning+to+Develop+ Mathematics+ Lessons+with+GeoGebra&meta= &aq= f&oq= Learning+to+ Develop+ Mathematics+Lessons+with+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
Hohenwarter, M., & Fuchs, K. (2005). Combination of Dynamic Geometry, Algebra and Calculus in the Software System GeoGebra. In: Computer Algebra Systems and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Teaching Conference 2004. Pecs, Hungary. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q= Combination+ of+dynamic+ geometry%2C+algebra+and+++calculus+in+the+software+system+GeoGebra&meta=&aq=f&oq=Combination+of+dynamic+geometry%2C+algebra+and+++calculus+in+the+software+system+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
Ismail, M.A. (2009). GeoGebra in Egypt. MSOR Connections Vol 9 No 2 May – July 2009. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q =Learning+to+Develop+ Mathematics+Lessons+ with+GeoGebra&meta= &aq=f&oq=Learning+to+Develop+Mathematics+Lessons+with+GeoGebra&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda
Kyeong-Sik Choi. (2009). A Brief Introduction of Mathematics Education Using GeoGebra in Korea. [Online}. Tersedia: url?url=http:// ggbconference2009. BIntroduction%2Bof%2BMathematics%2BEducation%2BUsing%2BGeoGebra(97).ppt&rct=j&ei=ArRGS8n2Dc6GkAW5xr35Ag&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=1&ct=result&ved=0CAcQhgIwAA&q=ABriefIntroductionofMathematics+EducationUsingGeoGebra+in+Korea&usg=AFQjCNHOUdh5V5XVhK9DWQUpQisEIu3cpg
Priatna, N. (2003). Teknik Probing dalam Pembelajaran matematika untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Siswa SLTP. Proceeding National Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education, The Role of ICT in Supporting the Implementation of Competebsy-Based Curriculum. Bandung: Jica
Rohaeti, E, E (2003). Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunkaan metode IMPROVE untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama. Tesis pada PPs UPI. Bandung
Sangwin, C. (2007). A brief review of GeoGebra: dynamic mathematics. University of Birmingham. MSOR Connections Vol 7 No 2 May – July 2007. [Online]. Tersedia: #hl=id&q=A+ brief+ review+of+GeoGebra%3A+dynamic+mathematics&meta=&aq=&oq=A+brief+review+of+GeoGebra%3A+dynamic+mathematics&fp=68546b5a6aca8eda