development, evaluation tools, gimkit, independent curriculumAbstract
This research is a research on the development of evaluation tools assisted by gimkit applications in science learning on style material around us with an independent curriculum for grade IV elementary school students. The purpose of this study is to determine the process of developing the Gimkit application assisted evaluation tool for science learning in the independent curriculum in elementary schools, to find out the validation of the Gimkit application assisted evaluation tool for science learning in the independent curriculum in elementary schools, to determine the effectiveness of the Gimkit application assisted evaluation tool for science learning in the independent curriculum in elementary schools, and to find out the practicality of the Gimkit application assisted evaluation tool for learning IPAS in the independent curriculum in elementary schools. The method used is Research and Development (RnD). The development of this research uses the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 7 Surabaya, the subjects in this study were grade IV students with a total of nine students. This research will be conducted in September – November 2023. Observation sheets, validation sheets (for media and material experts), test sheets (for learning outcomes tests), and questionnaire sheets (for student response questionnaires) are the methods used in this study to collect data. This research produces evaluation tools that are assisted by gimkit applications, especially the criteria of validity, effectiveness, and practicality. The feasibility results of material validation by material experts amounted to 98.33%, while the results of media validation by media experts amounted to 98.43% with "very valid" standards. The results of the effectiveness test were 96% with the standard "very effective" seen from the learning outcomes of students. Practicality of 86.67% with a "very practical" standard. The end of this research results in products developed having criteria that are fully valid, effective, and practical.Downloads
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