
  • Novita Ria Anjelinah Anjelinah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Vevy Liansari PGSD FPIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo



KWL strategy; ability; read; student


This study aims to determine differences in reading interest and reading ability between groups of students who use the KWL (know, want, and learn) strategy and those who learn to use conventional strategies in grade 1 students at SDN Mojoruntut 2, Krembung District. Researchers use a qualitative approach which prioritizes the search for concepts, meanings and symptoms in a natural phenomenon. Researchers involve various methods such as interviews, observation, documentation to describe the phenomena that occur. Researchers conducted this research using the case study method by describing, observing, analyzing phenomena that are occurring naturally by involving various methods to interpret these phenomena. The results showed that there was a significant difference in reading interest between students who were taught with the KWL strategy and students who were taught with conventional strategies in class I SDN Mojoruntut 2, Krembung District. There is a significant difference in the effective reading ability between students who are taught with the KWL strategy and students who are taught with conventional strategies in class I students at SDN Mojoruntut 2, Krembung District. As well as significant differences related to reading interest and effective reading skills between students who were taught with the KWL strategy and students who were taught with conventional strategies in class I students at SDN Mojoruntut 2, Krembung District.


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