
  • Edi Rohyadi Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Ihfa Nur Agam Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Sholeh Hidayat Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa




leadership, principal, quality


This research discusses the pattern and role of the principal as a leader in realizing quality schools in elementary schools. The object of this research is the principal of SD Negeri Banjar Sari 4 Serang City. This study uses a qualitative approach to present events thoroughly, in detail and completely. This research uses a phenomenological design, which centers on real experiences. The result of this study is that the principal's leadership is a key and significant factor in the realization of a quality school. The principal of SD Negeri Banjar Sari 4 applies a situational leadership pattern, by applying several leadership patterns according to the situation faced. As for the role of the principal in realizing quality schools, the principal acts as a supervisor, motivator, communicator, learning leader, and manager. The leadership patterns and roles carried out by the principal of SD Negeri Banjar Sari 4 have proven to bring significant changes in realizing the school into a quality school. This research can be information for school principals about the leadership patterns and roles of principals that can be applied according to the situation and conditions of the school.


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