
  • Rizka Rahmaningrum Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Ivayuni Listiani Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Sri Rahayu SDN 02 Manisrejo, Madiun



Implementation, CASEL Components, Learning Outcomes


Indonesian language learning activities in several classes at SDN 02 Manisrejo, the results showed that the majority of students showed a lack of understanding during learning activities resulting in low student learning outcomes because students were busy with their activities and chatting with their friends, many students still used the words unkind words when talking to classmates, and even in group Q&A, students don’t use nice words and say things I tend to say. The research subjects for class I SD Negeri 02 Manisrejo, consisted of 27 students. The research method used was classroom action (PTK), consisting of four stages. Data collection uses questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. Data was collected using an observation approach. The observation sheet contains an evaluation matrix that shows how well students apply social-emotional learning (PSE) in the activities they carry out. Student learning outcomes are determined based on who answered each question correctly and the score they obtained on each element of the question. The results of the student learning tests show that students achieved the following achievement indicators: Based on research in the pre-cycle, the achievement indicators for student learning outcomes were 40.74℅. In Cycle I, the indicator of achievement of learning outcomes was 62.96%. In cycle II, the indicator of achievement of student learning outcomes was 92.59%. This increase was caused by the application of the CASEL component for grade 1 students in Indonesian language subjects. Not only does the student’s learning level increase but the ability to develop good social and emotional skills, so that students become more confident and enthusiastic in participating in learning. Therefore, the application of the CASEL component can improve the learning outcomes of grade 1 students in Indonesian language subjects


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