LKPD, Discovery Learning, Learning;, natural sciences, SDAbstract
The issue with this study's findings is that students did not learn the material on energy resources as well as they could have because teachers still only used printed books and chalkboards as their teaching aids and the learning process was still repetitive. This research intends to build a class IV SD LKPD on energy resources that is reliable, applicable, and efficient. The study was carried out at SD Penanggoan Duren. Research and development is a sort of research that was employed in this study (Research and Development). The ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation, and Evaluations) is used in this research and development. Techniques for gathering data include surveys, observation, recordkeeping, and interviews. Design validation and subject validation are used in the validation process. approaches for data analysis that incorporate validity, applicability, and effectiveness analysis. The study's findings are: (1) the validity of the developed LKPD based on Discovery Learning with two revisions, fulfilling the very valid category with an average score of 3.62; (2) the usefulness of the developed LKPD based on Discovery Learning is in the positive category with an average score of 3.69; and (3) the effectiveness of the developed LKPD based on Discovery Learning was in the very effective category with a learning completion rate of 84%, fulfilling the very effective category. Keywords: LKPD; Discovery Learning; Learning; natural sciences; SDDownloads
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