ADDIE, Module, Problem Based Learning, Energy SourceAbstract
This research was conducted to discuss the development of Problem Based Learning Oriented Learning Modules on energy sources for class IV Elementary Schools. This study aims to determine the validity of the module, the practicality of the module, and the potential effects of the module being developed. In this study using the method (R & D), and using the ADDIE model. For data collection techniques, researchers used observation, questionnaires and tests. To find out whether this research is valid, practical and effective, it can be seen based on the data that has been obtained through the test stages of media experts, material experts, and linguists and get an average of 84.58% with a very valid category. Furthermore, to find out which modules were developed practically, it can be seen from the results of student response questionnaires using one to one tests and small group tests, the results of student response questionnaires obtained an average of 88.65% and received a very practical category. Furthermore, the module is declared effective, it can be known through the results of the initial and final questions and get a result of 0.77 in the high category. Thus it can be concluded that the PBL-oriented Module is categorized as very valid, practical and effective. With this the development of PBL Learning oriented modules is feasible to use Keywords: ADDIE, Module, Problem Based Learning, Energy SourceDownloads
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