
  • Herawati Aisyah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wiryanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Hitta Alfi Muhimmah Universitas Negeri Surabaya




free learning, humanistic theory


A good curriculum is a curriculum that follows its era and is able to have a major influence on improving the quality of education. The concept of independent learning is the latest development of the curriculum currently used in Indonesia. The concept of independent learning is related to the learning theory, learning theory is an integral part of the educational process; one of the existing theories is the humanistic learning theory. The method used in this article is literature study. The concept of independent learning and humanistic learning theory have similarities, both emphasize aspects of freedom, independence and flexibility and have the same goal of humanizing humans. Both of these concepts hold the view that learning can take place anywhere, both outside the classroom and in the classroom. Learning is meaningful when educators are able to provide students with hands-on experience and adapt learning to their needs. Learners are not limited to exploring the environment and do not set load goals and achievement targets. The concept of independent learning in the perspective of humanistic learning theory is relevant and consistent with its goals, implementation and evaluation.


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