
  • Hofifah Indra Sari PPKn FKIP Universitas Mataram
  • Muh. Zubair PPKn FKIP Universitas Mataram
  • Sawaludin PPKn FKIP Universitas Mataram
  • Bagdawansyah Alqadri PPKn FKIP Universitas Mataram




Pancasila Learner Profile, Teacher Efforts, Civics Teacher


This study aims to determine the efforts of Civics teachers in shaping the Pancasila Student Profile at SMP Negeri 1 Suralaga. The research method used is qualitative case study. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the efforts of Civics teachers can be seen by instilling six dimensions in the Pancasila student profile, namely (1) Believing, devoted to God Almighty and having noble character. Habituation of routine morning imtaq activities, reading short letters and sholawatan led by Islamic religion teachers in the School Musolla according to elements of religious morals and morals to humans. (2) Global diversity, by explaining to students about Unity in Diversity, involving students in parades wearing traditional clothes, and showcasing regional specialties with the theme of entrepreneurship in P5 according to the elements of recognizing and appreciating culture and intercultural communication and interaction and social justice. (3) Gotong Royong, organizing group activities such as class pickets, clean Fridays, forming study groups, and initiating P5 activities in the form of planting trees in the school environment according to the elements of morals to nature, collaboration, caring and sharing. (4) Independent, activities carried out by giving individual assignments, teaching the values of discipline and personal responsibility by preparing their own school equipment according to the elements of self-regulation. (5) Critical reasoning, by providing challenging questions or problems with the aim of students participating in their activities, as well as encouraging discussion and asking completion questions at the end of the task according to the elements of obtaining and processing information and ideas and analyzing and evaluating reasoning and procedures. (6) Creative, activities carried out by giving students handicraft tasks by utilizing used items that are around them and holding Pancasila Student Strengthening Project activities according to the elements of Producing original ideas and Producing original works and actions. The inhibiting factors for PPKn teachers in shaping the Pancasila Student Profile at SMP Negeri 1 Suralaga include 1) new curriculum factors (independent curriculum), 2) facilities and infrastructure factors, 3) lazy character factors from students.


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