kelas V, sosiokultural, bahan ajar digitalAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explain the development of innovative teaching materials with a sosiocultural approach for the Indonesian language subject for fifth-grade elementary school students and to assess the quality of media validity. This study adopts the Research and Development (R&D) approach using the design model proposed by Borg & Gall, consisting of the following 10 stages; (1) research and information collecting; (2) planning; (3) developing preliminary form of product; (4) preliminary field testing; (5) main product revision; (6) main field testing; (7) operational product revision; (8) operational field testing; (9) final product revision, dan (10) desimination and implementation. Data collection instruments use validation sheets. The results showed that the procedure of media development went through the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of material validation tests from experts and learning experts (stakeholders) innovative teaching materials with a sosiocultural approach obtained an average score of 95,68% from a maximum score of 100% and the results of media validation tests from experts and learning experts (stakeholders) obtained an average score of 92,91% from a maximum score of 100%. Based on the feasibility test results of innovative teaching materials with a sosiocultural approach, the products developed can be categorized as valid and suitable for use in learning. Keywords: class V, sosiocultural, teaching materials digitalDownloads
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