
  • Madyasari Dwi Cahyani Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Siti Rochmiyati Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa



descriptive writing, environmental media, student learning, Bahasa Indonesia, fourth-grade students


This study was conducted in response to the observed difficulties that fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Mlarangan faced in writing descriptive texts in Bahasa Indonesia. The limitations in learning resources and the low intake of the students were identified as contributing factors to these challenges. The aim of the research was to explore the potential of using environmental media as a learning tool to improve students' descriptive writing skills. This research used descriptive research methods, with 26 fourth grade students as research subjects. The learning resources chosen were taken from the local environment, namely Mlarangan Asri Beach Pleret Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, with data credibility assessed through triangulation. The results indicated that the use of environmental media significantly enhanced the students' ability to write descriptive texts, with 68.46% of students categorized as proficient in various writing indicators. The findings suggest that the utilization of the local environment as a learning resource has positive implications for student learning, including increased motivation, enhanced understanding of the subject matter, and a deeper connection to the surrounding environment. The study underscores the importance of integrating environmental media into language learning to facilitate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students.


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