
  • Framz Hardiansyah STKIP PGRI Sumenep
  • Muhammad Misbahudholam AR STKIP PGRI SUMENEP
  • Yetti Hidayatillah STKIP PGRI SUMENEP
  • Choli Astutik STKIP PGRI SUMENEP




Eco-Literacy, Science Learning, Teaching Media


This research is motivated by using eco-literacy as a teaching medium for science learning in elementary schools. The type of research used is a qualitative phenomenology approach. This research uses data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation with data analysis techniques through three channels: Data Reduction, Data Display, verification and conclusions. Research shows that school teachers often use the school environment to carry out outdoor learning processes. Class V students are happy and hope learning can occur at their school using the surrounding natural environment. Utilizing the environment in science learning also does not require costs. Learning patterns that utilize the natural environment also attract more students' attention. This can be seen from the results of observations, interviews, documentation and triangulation; all of the indicators in the research can support the use of the surrounding natural environment as a teaching medium for science learning.


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