This research has an urgency to construct the extension of MKMK's authority to be required to provide information in its capacity as an examiner of code of ethics violations committed by MK judges to law enforcement officials if MK judges become suspects or defendants of a crime. This research is a normative legal research with a concept and statutory approach. The urgency of idea constitutional ethics in maintaining the code of ethics of MK judges which can actually be optimized with formation of MKMK based on MK Regulation No. 1 of 2023. The extension of MKMK's authority as the implementation of idea of constitutional ethics in optimizing efforts to safeguard the code of ethics of MK judges can actually be carried out by revising Article 3 of MK Regulation No. 1 of 2023 to extend or expand the authority of MKMK in providing information if MK judges are caught in a crime, in particular giving considerations from an ethical perspective is actually aimed at strengthening relationship between ethical norms and legal norms. Also that the phenomenon in the Constitutional Court Decision No. 103/PUU-XX/2022 will not be repeated in the future. Keywords: Constitutional Ethics, Authority, Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court.Downloads
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