Political crime is a problem, especially concerning the enforcement. Positive law has been set, but political crimes keep continuing to arrise. It should be examined whether the positive law enforcement can reach all kinds of political crime, how crime policy is formulated, what obstacles and solutions that must be adopted. The results of the study of political crimes, including crimes against the public interest, the interlocked with the power and political activity as the ingredients. Positive law, is essentially the result of a series of political processes. As a result, enforcement efforts be incomplete, always coincide with the technology, management, politics, beyond the limits of reality, evolved into a discourse that is planned, organized, controlled to be a crime that is untouched. Positive law works Iinier-mechanistic, based on the teachings of Legal Positivism / Rechtsdogmatiek, prioritizing political criminal, penal policy which in reality has lost much of his authority. Need reconstruction, shift the dominance of Normative-positivistic to sociological-philosophical / combination of the two, entering the world of technology, the realities of political life as well as total quality management for the judicial activity, so that enforcement is not bound law; initiated legal system of national unity, based on the value of heterogeneity comes from legal sources that live, grow and flourish in society, the written / unwritten according to the characteristics of the State and the Nation of Indonesia; political will does not exalt the principle of legality which in fact is often ignored the justice. Keywords: Enforcement; Legal; Politics; Reform; Criminal.Downloads
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