Problems faced in optimizing the quality of "Education for Learners in Tangerang correctional institution" today is the contradiction between the values of hope (das sollen) with the values of reality (das Sein), and the dominant factor affecting the quality of the "Education students in Tangerang correctional institution ", is a factor of the input instrument of education. Qualitative study, this study aims to find patterns of education in accordance with the legal awareness education for students penitentiary child. The research process was conducted based on the qualitative method, which is natural, descriptive, inductive, and discover the meaning of a phenomenon. Educator Qualifications research results that have a faithful and devoted personality, friendly, full of tenderness, acting as a parent, insightful, and empathy, positive impact on the development process; Development Planning combines the Bottom Up Top Down; Approach and method that combines coaching and religious functionalist models, through: the example (example), habituation and training, creation of favorable situation, discipline, implementing worship deeply, accelerate the process of coaching, Evaluation of Education in Prison, the need to involve the role students, families, and communities, thus serving as a feed back to the improvement of the quality of coaching in prison. Keywords: education; awareness; law; child.Downloads
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