Lately discovered a new phenomenon of corruption in Indonesia. Perpetrators of corruption consists of various groups who relatively young and regardless the gender. In this paper will discuss the students' perceptions of corruption in Indonesia. The scope of this study will be limited to one of the state universities in Indonesia, in this case in particular, Sriwijaya University law student. While the analysis used in the discussion of this paper is descriptive analysis. The method used in determining the sample is random sampling, with a set of approximately ten percent of the population. In the first part will discuss the position of corruption in Indonesia in the eyes of the world as well as regional level. Then, discuss the definition of perception and the factors that influence the perception and definition of corruption. The findings showed that almost all students understand what is meant by corruption, but the majority of their behavior consciously or unconsciously have contributed to the practice of corruption. Corruption is not due to inadequate salaries or boost the economy but the existing system opportunities corrupt behavior and the low morale of the nation in this respect among the younger generation who were respondents. It is very anxious about the future of the nation and the state. Keywords: perception; students; corruption.Downloads
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