[Legal Certainty Of Industrial Design Revenue In Indonesia Based On Intellectual Property Approach And Legal Comparison] Protection of Industrial Designs, as well as intellectual property, is based on the ability of human creativity through creativity, taste and intention. According to Article 25 paragraph (1) TRIPs Protected Industrial Design Agreement is a new or original Industrial Design, this provision holds the principle that the novelty of a design is obtained when the design is differ from the previous, the novelty includes novelty and originality, the principal basis for the grant of Industrial Design, whereas this principle is not fully adopted in the provisions of Industrial Design. The Industrial Design Decree in Indonesia only requires novelty without clarifying how to interpret the novelty requirement so that a large number of Industrial Design Rights are obtained based on the Minor Change approach where slight differences in form and configuration have essentially demonstrated novelty. The minor change approach is considered to exclude the aspect of originality and is less able to provide legal certainty to the holder of the registered Industrial Design Rights. This paper aims to explore minor change approach as the basis for the evaluation of the novelty of Industrial Design in the perspective of comparative law in several countries of the world, namely the United States, Japan, the European Union and Australia as a study and reference material in an effort to establish protection of Industrial Design Rights in Indonesia that can provide legal certainty. Keywords: Industrial Design Revenue, Comparative Law.Downloads
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