Extradition is one of the measures undertaken to demonstrate the ability of a country to optimize law enforcement upon the citizen committing criminal offense. Some issues in extradition discussed are (1) no arrangement (i) no arrangement regarding the deadline required to complete an extradition process, (ii) the extradition process in Indonesia has failed to reflect the government's intention to optimize law enforcement measures. To note, optimal law enforcement activities will provide a state of political stability, prevent economic decline and or unstable circumstances, and the main objective is to maximize social welfare. The author used normative juridical methods of research conducted by using the data and information contained in the legislation and literature. The conclusion was drawn deductively using coherent criterium of truth. By dissecting the rules on extradition of which is the basis of the promulgation of the extradition law, it is expected to create a regulation that prioritizes the welfare of the people of Indonesia. In addition, in conducting extradition, Government should be stricts, but maintaining a good bargaining position beneficial for its side. Keyword: extradition, national economy, economic optimisation.Downloads
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