Tuti Marwati (1)
(1) Magister Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , Indonesia


This article discusses the role of law that uses cultural strategies as one way for a long-term transformation towards Indonesian maritime culture. Therefore this article will analyze whether Indonesian society has maritime culture and how the law plays its role in developing maritime culture in society. The identity of Indonesian people has a perception of maritime territory, but the culture that is later developed is as an agrarian nation, so that the paradigm of Indonesian society about the sea tends to be different from reality. In this connection, it will be explained that law should be able to play a role and develop in society as a progressive law because law is not an entirely separate entity from other social elements. In this term law is a tool for reformation in society, law is used as a tool by agents of change or pioneers of change that are expected to play a role in changing social values ​​in society. Indonesian people who still identify themselves in an agrarian culture, and who have not yet become a maritime country, can completely change with changes in government policy through regulation and maritime programs, one of which is through the Enthusiasm Program in order to build a full maritime culture.
Keywords: Development of Indonesian Maritime Culture.

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Tuti Marwati (Primary Contact)

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