N. Ike Kusmiati (1)
(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan Bandung , Indonesia


Not to misuse the regulation of the state as the factor that causes defects in the will of the Indonesian Civil Code, should be anticipated for the development of contract occurs so fast in practice. The convergence of an agreement in the form of rapprochement will of the parties, no longer occur in a balanced manner, because there are elements that influence the parties, both economically and psychologically, whereby the economically strong dominate the contract even harm the opposing party, so the contract applies biased, unfair and inappropriate. Therefore, the government needs to intervene to protect the weaker party. It was felt important need for inclusion of the substance abuse situation as a factor that will cause defects arising from Jurisprudence in the Netherlands as the fourth element, in addition to oversight, coercion and deception that has been set out in Article 1321 of the Civil Code. It is therefore necessary to be examined how the relationship between the abuse of state as the factor that causes the will deform against the abuse of contracts and how to position the state as a factor that causes defects will fill the void in the legal system of contract law in Indonesia. The results showed that the state of relationship abuse as factors that led to the agreement will deform, relevant because the agreement occur with the agreement, and to the agreed required the conformity of the will of the parties. For that agreement became the basis for the validity of the contract. But with the misuse of state in the contract raises the contract it becomes irrevocable, because conformity of his will are not met, while the position of the abuse of the state as the factor that causes a defect will in fill the legal vacuum in the system of contract law in Indonesia, it is very important, where in addition there is no setting in Indonesia, also the case in practice. The parties to a contract are often cornered by the interests of one party, so that the opposing party gives consent with full conviction, because it does not have the bargaining power is balanced, often one of the parties has a weak bargaining position, caused by the influence of the economic position and psychiatric one parties, so we need government intervention to oversee the implementation of the freedom of contract in practice, and making rules coercive.
Keywords: Abuse of state; Disability Will; Contracts

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Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata


N. Ike Kusmiati
ike.kusmiati@unpas.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

N. Ike Kusmiati, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan Bandung

Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan Bandung

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