Djafar Albram (1)
(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borobudur (UNBOR) Jakarta , Indonesia


Salt commodity is a strategic commodity to be  a political commodity that is able to rip the State and government sovereignty, a commodity that has always been a struggle for certain political economic power. Nation's dependence on imported salt product has arrived at an alarming rate, and therefore the salt production in the homeland must be done independently, not always depend imported products that Indonesia as a sovereign state can achieve its goals towards national food salt self-sufficiency which is launched by the government in 2014-2015 can be realized immediately in order to provide prosperity and well-being for all the people as mandated in the constitution in 1945. This research aimed at rising the problems currently busy talking concerning the proliferation of salt imported from Australia, India, China and Malaysia. Signaled background in economic business community about the government policy, in this case the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENPERINDAG RI) contained in the Ministry of Trade Regulation No.. 58/M-DAG/PER/9/2012 on the Salt Import dated 4 September 2012. In fact the legal discretion product has not met interest of subject national salting economic business, in terms of policies that made, it not show the pro-active alignments to businessman in this country which is said as a rich abundant of the maritime resources. The apparent contradictory actions in a brightly by opening import faucets of salt flooding the local market in the country.
Keywords    : Economic, Self-Sufficiency, Food, Salt, National.

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Djafar Albram (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Djafar Albram, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borobudur (UNBOR) Jakarta

Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borobudur (UNBOR) Jakarta

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