Pop Up Book Media, ADDIE model, Build Room, Elementary School.Abstract
This study aims to (1) find out how to develop Pop Up Book media that is valid or feasible in learning Mathematics for class V classroom materials at SD Negeri 65 Palembang. (2) knowing how to develop Pop Up Book media that is practical in learning Mathematics for class V classroom materials at SD Negeri 65 Palembang. (3) knowing how to develop Pop Up Book media that is effective in learning Mathematics for class V classroom materials at SD Negeri 65 Palembang. The needs analysis in this study is the lack of use of learning media for geometric materials, the lack of attractiveness of the pictures presented in the textbook. This research method is development (Research and Development) using the ADDIE model. The methods used in data collection are documents and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the Pop Up Book learning media developed in this study is categorized as very valid. In this study, the validity value obtained from expert validation (media, material, language) was obtained from validator 1 92% and validator 2 87% with an average of 89.5% "very valid" criteria. The Pop Up Book media developed was declared "very practical", obtaining a practicality score of 96.46%. Furthermore, the Pop Up Book media developed was declared "very effective", obtaining an effectiveness score of 83.33%. It can be concluded that the Pop Up Book media for class V SD classroom materials can be used as learning media for elementary school students.Downloads
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