
  • Shinta Wulandari Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Maharani Oktavia Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Puji Ayurachmawati Pendidikan Geografi, Universitas PGRI Palembang



Bamboo Dancing Model, Motivation, Sciences


This study aims to determine the extent to which students' motivation in learning natural science material properties of light in class IV.  The method used by researchers in this study is a quantitative descriptive method.  The data collection technique in this study was the questionnaire method and the documentation method.  The population and sample in this study were grades IV A and IV C, totaling 58 students.  The data obtained by the researchers in this study used a motivational questionnaire on the properties of light.  The trials that the researchers carried out using a questionnaire that had been validated by the lecturer aimed at determining whether the questionnaire items were valid or not.  The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation validity test which obtained rcount = 0.6634 and rtable = 0.5140 with the Cronbach alpha reliability test of 0.76, so that rcount = 0.6634 > rtable = 0.5140.  So that the questionnaire items are declared valid and suitable for use by researchers.  The results of the study were obtained from the results of a comparison of the value of the criteria for class IV A and IV C. Class IV A showed that the results of the questionnaire with the most criteria were Good, while class IV C showed the results of the questionnaire with the most criterion values were Very good.  It can be concluded that the bamboo dancing model can increase students' motivation in learning science about the properties of light for class IV SD.


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