
  • Rahmi Hanifah Pendidikan Dasar, FIP, Universitas Negri Padang, Indonesia
  • Desyandri Universitas Negeri Padang




Philosophy of Idealism; Free Learning; Education.


The purpose of this article is to describe the concept of independent learning from the perspective of educational philosophy of idealism. The method used is library research. The concept of independent learning education is closely related to one of the schools of philosophy, namely the school of idealism philosophy. The flow of idealism has explained that knowledge of the highest truth is an idea that is born from within oneself, not from the thoughts of others. In the world of education, idealistic thinking teaches students to be able to develop their own potential and express their own ideas and ideas to gain knowledge. The concept of independent learning education in Indonesia which has become a new policy is considered capable of changing the existing education system. The alignment of independent learning with the philosophy of idealism provides a new perspective on the orientation of education in Indonesia, in practice it presents natural learning spaces and allows children to grow and develop according to their interests and talents so that the goal of forming individuals with character can be realized to the fullest.


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