
  • Suci PBA FTK Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam, Indonesia
  • Ramia Saputri PBA FTK Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam, Indonesia
  • Sulkaidah Kanang PBA FTK Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam, Indonesia
  • Nurhayati Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam, Indonesia



Educational Supervision, Efektivitas, Efficiency


Supervision is one of the activities provided to improve the quality of a teacher, which is a component of human resources that must be nurtured and developed comprehensively and continuously to reach an effective and efficient level. In this journal, to improve the quality of developing a teacher to become a professional, educational supervision is required. Supervision in schools is carried out by the principal who is tasked as a supervisor to guide teachers in the learning process so that they do not deviate from the main goals of education, so he must be able to carry out various supervision and control to improve teacher performance to become an effective and efficient teacher. This supervision and control is a preventive measure to prevent teachers from making mistakes and to be more careful in carrying out their work as educators. This journal uses the "literature review" method in exploring and obtaining data. The data in this journal was obtained through other scientific journals, research articles, and relevant books about educational supervision, functions, goals, roles, and implementation of learning. The results of the literature search and review show that educational supervision has very strategic functions in the educational process in educational institutions, namely: research, assessment, improvement and improvement. The main function of supervision is to develop teaching programs carried out by teachers to become the best educators possible so that there are always efforts to improve.


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