
  • Intan Ristanti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Daerah Tasikmalaya
  • Sofi Mutiara Insani PGSD Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kamda Tasikmalaya
  • Heri Yusuf Muslihin PGSD Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kamda Tasikmalaya



digital literacy, character education, primary school.


This research aims to explore the impact of digital literacy in shaping student character in elementary schools, identify effective implementation, and evaluate the role of the school environment in supporting such efforts. The research method used is SLR (Systematic Literature Review) data and related literature are systematically collected, investigated and analyzed. The results show that the mastery of digital literacy in elementary school students has an important role in their character building. However, this success depends on comprehensive support from the whole society. Therefore, character education through digital literacy can be a catalyst for future generations to strengthen their authentic national identity. By intelligently analyzing the nation's issues, this generation is expected to contribute logical, rational and constructive solutions. This research also highlights the need for the active role of the government, educational institutions and other stakeholders in ensuring the sustainability of digital literacy implementation in the primary school environment. Thus, the integration of digital literacy in the education curriculum is a must to prepare an adaptive and competitive future generation in the era of the fifth industrial revolution (society.5.0).    


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