learning media, augmented reality, photosynthesisAbstract
The use of learning media as an intermediary for conveying concepts needs to be chosen or designed by the teacher appropriately in order to minimize failures and misconceptions in conveying concepts to students. In reality, in science learning carried out by teachers, teachers only use textbooks, pictures and videos displayed via PowerPoint. This media is less effective in delivering abstract science material. Photosynthesis material is an example of science material that is abstract because it is difficult for the five senses to see directly. This research aims to develop augmented reality-based learning media on the concept of photosynthesis for grade IV elementary school students. This research is research and development (R & D) research. Validation data collection was carried out using questionnaire sheets for practitioners and students. The results of this research concluded that augmented reality-based learning media on photosynthesis material can make learning effective and interesting and can improve students' understanding and skills in understanding photosynthesis material. Teachers can also achieve the learning objectives they want to achieve based on the results of practitioner validation which gave 84,3% with the category very suitable for use, and the average test results for students with a percentage of 82.7 with the criteria very suitable.Downloads
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