social sciences; creative approach; proclamation; historyAbstract
Social Sciences is one of the subjects taken since individuals are at elementary school level. When implemented in schools, social studies learning is connected to the social life of society by having several study materials such as statecraft, sociology, anthropology, history, economics and geography. From observations made in the field, it can be seen that many educators carry out learning using conventional approaches. This conventional approach tends to increase the passive attitude of students. The purpose of this writing is to analyze play with history: a creative approach in learning social studies for sixth grade elementary school children. The writing method uses a qualitative method using a literature review approach. The results obtained from social studies learning emphasize social skills so that students can more easily adapt to the community environment. Social studies learning currently places more emphasis on the stundent-centered concept. This concept is a concept that emphasizes efforts to improve the teaching and learning system. The conclusion is that learning using a creative approach can be interpreted as a teaching and learning process that accommodates the creativity, ideas and thoughts of students. According to a review of student skills, creative learning is a teaching and learning process that provides opportunities for students to be creative, create and design, so that learning material can be conveyed well from the teacher to the students.Downloads
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