
  • Muhammad Arqam Sabil Megister Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Negri Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
  • Heni Pujiastuti Megister Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Negri Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Banten, Indonesia




Independent Curriculum, Challenges and Opportunities, Digital era


The Merdeka Curriculum is the main highlight in the context of education in the current digital era. As technology advances, the challenges and opportunities that arise in the educational journey become increasingly complex. This article aims to describe the dynamics contained in the Independent Curriculum, especially in facing changes in the educational paradigm in the digital era. The main challenge faced is how to align educational needs with rapid technological developments. Integrating technology in the Independent Curriculum requires a holistic and creative approach to maximize learning potential. Meanwhile, the sustainability of digital learning needs to be maintained so as not to leave vulnerable groups marginalized. The method in this research uses a literature study method which uses literature sources as the main data. These literature sources can be books, journals, articles, and so on. Basically, this method is commonly used in qualitative research and does not require primary data collection such as observation or interviews. Literature study is a data collection technique to look for ideas or reference sources in research. By exploring potential and overcoming challenges, the Merdeka Curriculum can become a solid foundation for educational transformation in the digital era. The successful implementation of the Independent Curriculum will create a generation that is not only competent in mastering knowledge, but also has toughness of character and readiness to face dynamic changes in global society.


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