
  • Avinindy Inayda Devianti Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Yuyu Yuhana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa




Misconceptions, Place Value of Two Numbers, Basic Numeracy of Mathematics


Place value is fundamental and crucial as a student's initial foundation for learning basic numeracy as an understanding to move on to more complex material. There are misconceptions about a material that will lead to meaninglessness and discontinuity of a concept. Referring to this, this research aims to analyze the understanding of the place value of two digits in tens and tens which occurs in elementary school students, especially in grade 1 students. This research is described descriptively using qualitative methods. The subjects of this research are students and the class teacher as a supporting resource. The instrument in this research is the researcher himself, supported by supporting instruments, namely tests, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used in this research adopts Miles and Huberman's theory, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained in this research reveal that there are misconceptions that occur, including: 1) students are still unable to understand the place value procedure for two-digit numbers (ones and tens); 2) students have alternative concepts in their understanding of place value in two-digit numbers (ones and tens); 3) students have alternatives in writing place value in two-digit numbers (ones and tens); 4) students cannot count correctly so that answering the description in the place value of two numbers cannot be interpreted correctly.


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