misconceptions, mathematics, place value of numbersAbstract
Misconceptions are errors in understanding concepts, where the conception is not in accordance with scientific concepts. This research is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to describe the results of the analysis of misconceptions that occur among students in class 3 regarding the place value of numbers. Misconceptions can be grouped into three types, namely, Careless errors, Concept errors, and Careless Errors and Concept Errors. The subjects of this research were 30 students at SDN Baros 3. The research instruments used were tests, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that students carry out misconceptions of the Charles errors (Ca) type with a percentage of 43%, and carry out Concept errors (Co) type misconceptions with a percentage of 30%. Other causes of students' misconceptions include students' lack of interest in learning mathematics subjects, teachers' lack of emphasis on material concepts during the learning process.Downloads
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