
  • Nur Asyiah Bulqist Rahman Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Iva Nandya Atika Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Abdul Munip Magister PGMI FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



Development Strategy, School Principal, Teacher Social Competence, Thematic Learning.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the strategies employed by the school principal in developing the social competence of teachers in designing planning, implementing thematic-based learning, and evaluating learning in fourth-grade classrooms at SDN 12 Ansok. This research utilizes a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources include the school principal, teachers, and fourth-grade students at SDN 12 Ansok. The instruments used are observation sheets, interview guidelines, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that (1) there is a commitment from the school principal to enhance teachers' competency in developing lesson plans based on thematic learning by providing training programs for lesson plan preparation. (2) The school principal observes classroom teaching to ensure that teachers communicate effectively, empathetically, and courteously with students. (3) In conducting evaluations, the school principal observes either directly or indirectly, providing feedback to teachers, emphasizing the importance of being objective in the evaluation process. (4) Challenges encountered include teachers who are still not open to addressing their social competency improvement needs.


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