
  • Ira Wirdatus Solichah Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Munirul Abidin Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang



Child Friendly Education Unit, Positive Discipline, Non-Violence Education


The Child Friendly Education Unit is one of the programs issued by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. One indicator of this program is the existence of an anti-violence policy which is manifested in various ways, both written and unwritten practices, one of which is the application of positive discipline. The head of the madrasah as the leader of the institution plays an important role in implementing this program. This research aims to describe and analyze the application of positive discipline in realizing anti-violence education, as well as the role of madrasa heads in realizing this program. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the research show that: 1) the implementation of positive discipline at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari has gone well and efforts are being made to form an anti-violent character in the school. 2) The application of positive discipline is practiced through activities that shape students' religious, nationalist and social character. 3) The role of the madrasa head in the SRA program is as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor and leader. 4) The driving factor for the role of the madrasa head in the SRA program is the motivation and awareness of the school community to realize the program and the SRA program is a continuation program of a previously existing program.


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