Keywords: Teaching Materials, Conservation Education, Student ResponseAbstract
An essential component of learning implementation is the use of teaching materials. Learning will be improved when the teaching materials are appropriate for the requirements and characteristics of the pupils. This study intends to find out what fourth-grade students in elementary school response about the development of teaching materials for conservation education that focus on flora in the subject of Science and Social Studies (IPAS). 25 fourth-grade pupils served as the research subjects for the study at SDN Sukabela. Descriptive research was the methodology employed. A student response questionnaire was utilized to measure student replies, and Yusrizal & Rahmati's Guttman Scale was employed for data analysis. The Sri criteria were applied for the interpretation of the final score. The four criteria used to evaluate teaching materials, namely attractiveness, content, language, and usefulness. According to the results of the student response survey, the usefulness scored 87%, the language scored 94%, the content scored 87.25%, and the attractiveness scored 98%. As a result, an average score of 90.93% was attained, which is considered "Excellent."Downloads
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