
  • Zuni Nurmala Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Suryanti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Zainul Arifin Imam Supardi Universitas Negeri Surabaya



science, comic, efeectiv, validity, practicality


Children aged 7-12 years experience development in thinking that was originally pre-operational to concrete, concrete to abstract. Learners who are slow in their intellectual reading capacity can be helped with comics. The research that has been done aims to see the validity of the media science comic and the continuity of the material with the media. The practicality of the media science comic can be seen from the observation of teachers and student questionnaires at each meeting. The meeting was held three times. Teacher observation is seen from the implementation of teacher teaching steps. Student questionnaires are conducted to see student responses about the media so that changes are visible after the meeting. The effectiveness of the media science comic is seen from the students' pretest and posttest scores according to existing indicators. Pretest is done before using media and posttest students are done by learning using media. And there is a difference between before and after using the media. The study method is carried out by tests, validation, observation, questionnaires. The results obtained from this study that the binding media are valid, effective, and practical and get a very good category assessment. 


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