
  • Ricky Avandra Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yanti Fitria Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yeni Erita Universitas Negeri Padang



Integrated thematic, Model connected, differentiation


This research is motivated by the existence of concepts, topics, skills, assignments, even ideas in one field of study that can be connected in a lesson. Therefore it takes a relevant model to provide maximum results. There is some learning content that contains overlapping concepts, so that if it is studied separately it becomes ineffective. If you want to achieve complete competence from learning, it is necessary to link these concepts in the learning process. The main concepts must be made the core of learning material, while examples or applications of related concepts aim to enrich learning to make it more meaningful and comprehensive. One way to teach it can be done with differentiation learning. This study intends to provide broader and deeper knowledge for readers. To increase understanding and knowledge about the implementation of connected thematic integrated learning through differentiated learning. The type of assessment carried out is the study of literature (Literature Research). Based on the review of literature studies that have been carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that the application of integrated thematic learning of the Connected Model through differentiation learning can make learning more effective and meaningful so as to increase students' understanding of material concepts comprehensively.


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