
  • Amanda Irgi Aulianti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Raihanah Sari Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Fathul Jannah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Akhmad Riandy Agusta Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



: Critical Thinking, Learning Outcomes, and SENTER


The problem in this research is the low level of  critical thinking skills, and student learning outcomes regarding hot content and material and the transfer of science learning content. This is caused by lack of critical thinking training, poor memory, and students' ability to understand the concepts being taught. The SENTER model, which is a combination of Problem Based Learning, Student Centered Learning, and Numbered Head Together, is designed to critical thinking, and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to analyze critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes.This research used a type of Classroom Action Research (PTK), which was carried out over four meetings. Class V students of SDN Kuin Selatan 1 Banjarmasin for the 2022/2023 academic year, consisting of 17 students, are the subjects of this research. Data collection methods use tests and observations. This research collects qualitative and quantitative data. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive techniques such as tables, graphs and percentage interpretation.The results showed that students' critical thinking skills increased by 88% and student learning outcomes increased by 92% for the "Complete" criterion. ".The research results show that the SENTER model can increase critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes. To improve the quality of learning in schools, the use of this model is recommended as an alternative.


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