
  • Fitri Dian Wardani Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Mohammad Kanzunnudin PBSI FKIP Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Sekar Dwi Ardianti PGSD FKIP Universitas Muria Kudus



Questioning Skill, Indonesian Language Learning, Student Response


This research was motivated by the suboptimal questioning skills of teachers. Questioning skills is one way teachers can obtain feedback or input from students. This research aims to analyze the aim of this research is to analyze how well grade 3 teachers can use questioning skills and how grade 3 students respond to the teacher's use of questioning skills in Indonesian language material at SDN 3 Soneyan. In this research, researchers will analyze the questioning skills of SDN 3 Soneyan teachers in Indonesian language material. Questioning skills can be interpreted as one of the skills of a teacher using techniques to encourage students to think critically when answering questions. The approach to this research uses a narrative qualitative approach. The data collection techniques that researchers use are observation data, interview data, and documentation. The data analysis used in this research is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of the research show that the 3rd grade teachers at SDN 3 Soneyan in mastering questioning skills have good criteria. In applying questioning skills, class 3 teachers use more basic questioning skills in accordance with the indicators in Indonesian language learning compared to the use of advanced questioning skills in Indonesian language learning, class 3 teachers have not mastered and applied the indicators for advanced questioning skills. The conclusion of this research is that teachers have mastered questioning skills well. Suggestions for teachers are that teachers must fully understand the components of questioning skills, and teachers must also increase interaction with students in the classroom.


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