
  • Hieronymus Dian Adriana SMP Negeri 4 Gombong
  • Sutrisna Wibawa Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Rahmat Mulyono Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa




Tamansiswa Principles, Education Curriculum, Educational Management


A figure who had great ideas for the advancement of education in Indonesia and received the title of Father of National Education, namely Ki. Hajar Dewantara, This research is a library research study using a content analysis approach. Ki's educational thinking. Hajar Dewantara is relevant to education in the field of curriculum work. The independent curriculum is very relevant to Ki Hadjar Dewantara's thinking. The independent curriculum is the estuary of the infiltration of Ki Hajar Dewantara's (KHD) character values. The essence of education in the true sense is to foster students to grow and develop both physically and mentally in accordance with their nature. It is hoped that the realization of the concepts of Ing Ngarso Sung Tuladha, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani will be able to fulfill the objectives of the Independent Education process. Understand, Ngrasa, Nglakoni (Tri Nga) are the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara which can be applied in learning media in the form of LKPD. Ki Hadjar Dewantara as the founder of Tamansiswa has a Tri-N (Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahi) based learning model. The approach in the curriculum is closely related to the Tri-N concept. Apart from that, Ki Hadjar Dewantara's education system was developed based on five main principles called Panca Dharma Tamansiswa


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