
  • Putu Dina Wedayanti Universitas Mataram
  • Muhammad Tahir Universitas Mataram
  • Johan Mahyudi Universitas Mataram



reading skills, beginning reading, grade II student


This research aims to analyze the beginning reading abilities of class II students at SDN 50 Cakranegara. The research method used is qualitative descriptive research. The results showed that of the 27 class II A students in the initial reading test, 22 students got very good criteria with a percentage of 74.80%, 2 students got good criteria with a percentage of 5.94%, and 3 students got poor criteria with a percentage 2.92%. Based on the results of observations, there are still many students who do not know the letters q, Q, v, and V. There are still students who cannot differentiate between the letters 'I' and 'l', 'q' and 'a', and 'p' and ' q'. Students are also less able to differentiate the letters 'f' and 'v' and 'q' and 'k'. Apart from that, students are less able to read words that have double consonants and double vowels, as well as words that end in consonants, especially meaningless words, such as the words "satang", "wijoun", "yosed", and " khimo". When reading simple sentences, students often change words, omit letters or add letters to words, and pay less attention to punctuation, so students are less able to answer questions well. When simple texts are read, many students lack focus and are unable to answer questions well.


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