Learning Styles, Understanding Science ConceptsAbstract
This research aims to determine the relationship between student learning styles and understanding of science concepts in class V students at Ampenan 29 Elementary School for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research is quantitative research with correlational techniques. The research sample consisted of 31 students. The data collection techniques used were closed questionnaires to measure research variables on student learning styles and tests to measure students' understanding of science concepts. Test the analysis prerequisites using the normality test, homogeneity test and linearity test, then continue with hypothesis testing, namely using product moment correlation. Based on the results of descriptive data analysis, the visual learning style has the highest concept understanding test score with an average of 77,7. Meanwhile, the auditory learning style has an average concept understanding test score of 75.7 and the kinesthetic learning style is 75.9. Furthermore, the results of statistical analysis in this research are that there is a significant relationship between learning style and understanding of science concepts for fifth grade students at SDN 29 Ampenan for the 2023/2024 academic year. This is proven by the results of data analysis carried out using the product moment correlation test, obtaining a significance value of 0.000 <alpha 0.05 with r calculated (0.716)>t table (0.3004) meaning that there is a significant relationship between learning style and understanding of science concepts for fifth grade students at SDN. 29 Ampenan.Downloads
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