Parental Educational Background, Parental Attention, Learning Achievement Of Class Vi Elementary School Students 33 Bima CityAbstract
The influence of educational background and parental attention on the learning achievement of class VI students of primary school state 33 bima city, academic year 2022/2023. Primary school teacher education, study program faculty of teacher of mataram 2022/2023. The aim of this research is to find out: 1) find out the influence of parents’ educational background on the learning achievement of class VI students at sdn 33 kota bima; 2) knowing that the attention given by parents to children has an influence on the learning achievement of class VI students at sdn 33 kota bima. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with conclusions statistical analysis. The population in this study were all grade VI students at sdn 33 kota bima. Samples were taken as many as 30 students. The required data is obtained through questionnaires documentation, and interviews. The previous questionnaire was tested and tested for validity and tested for reliability. The data analysis technique used is multiple linier regression analysis, t test, F test, R2 and relative and effective contribution. The results of the regression analysis obtained the regression line equation: Y = 64.096 + 0.218X1 + 0.026X2. The equation shows that the learning achievement of class VI students is influenced by the influence of the level of education and parental attention. The conclusions drawn are: 1) There is a significant influence between parents' educational background on the learning achievement of students in class VI elementary school. This is based on the analysis of the relationship/correlation of the data from the two variables to produce a correlation coefficient that is obtained with a sig value. that is 0.336. The significant value of the correlation coefficient has been obtained by sig.(1-tailed) = 0.187, because the sig. (1-tailed) 0.001<0.05 2) There is a significant influence between parental attention on the learning achievement of class VI elementary school students based on the relationship/correlation analysis of the two variables resulting in the correlation coefficient being obtained with a sig value. That is 0.063. It has been significant to the value of the correlation coefficient obtained sig. (1-tailed)= 0.811, because the sig value. (1-tailed) 0.811<0.05; 3) There is a significant influence between educational background and parents' attention to the learning achievement of class VI elementary school students. This is based on the analysis of the multiple correlation coefficient based on the value (R) of 0.337. Furthermore, to find out the level of significance, it is known that if the sig.F value changes <0.05, then H0 is rejected. In this case, it is known that the probability value (sig.F change) = 0.003 and this means <0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The remainder is influenced by the other variables studiedDownloads
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