Online Game, Social, Spiritual, StudentsAbstract
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of online games where many students become addicted to playing games. As a result of online game addiction, many students experience changes in their lives such as neglecting their obligations as students, namely being lazy to study, rarely going to class and often sleeping in class this is because they spend too much time playing online games. Students who are addicted to online games spend more time in the room, causing them to spend less time with people around them, such as with their family and friends. In addition, students who are addicted to online games become lazy to carry out religious orders such as worshiping God Almighty. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online game addiction on changes in social and spiritual attitudes of students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram University. This research uses quantitative methods. The data collection techniques used were observation, documentation and questionnaire distribution. Respondents in this study were 38 people who met the 5 criteria of an online game addict: Salience, Mood modification, Tolerance, Conflict and Relapse. Data analysis techniques in this study used normality test, linearity test and manova hypothesis test. The results of this study are online game addiction has no influence on changes in social attitudes and spiritual attitudes of students of the Faculty of Kaguruan and Education Sciences, Mataram University.Downloads
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